Počet zobrazení stránky

pátek 24. února 2017

Instructions on how from a developed country to become a developing country

One is using the pitcher until it gets broken.
I have been announcing for a long time that we need to try hard to get rid of the label of a cheap assemble factory. That we need to start competing by the quality and not by the price. But we have been significantly held up on this road by Czech national bank which is artificially keeping the weak crown since the November 2013. And so the Czech goods continues to be successful abroad mostly because it is cheap.
But on the other hand, because of the cheap crown, we are not able to adequately financially value the professionals who are having no problem moving around the European market. The overall growth of wages in the Czech economy (despite the improvement in past quarters) is suffocated. And they noticed that abroad in the end too. And so the bank JPMorgan decided to eliminate the Czech Republic out of the list of developed countries. Now it is going to be set in the group of emerging markets.

The American bank agreed to this step because the volume of income per capita has been staying under the level set for the developed countries for past three years. To be properly developed market the fiercer yields of assets should be matching that as well. But the profits of the main index of Prague’s stock market PX has been staying around the zero past few years. Moreover, also the yields of Czech government bonds are significantly lower than what the developed countries of Asia or South America has to offer.
So we are going to be a developing market that won’t thrill the investors with a yield above the standard. That’s why we should start working on getting a better reputation as soon as possible. And specifically the reputation of the market to which people are going to invest because of the safety, sufficient quality and human capital. JPMorgan has very loudly hinted that the interventions of CNB are with using the pregnancy terminology “over-carried”. (Despite that the crown keeps writing a story of stagnation at the 27-crown level.)

Thank you, the Czech national bank...

1 komentář:

  1. Politika ČNB v měnové oblasti je jednoznačně podřízena cíli kompenzovat decelerující vliv poklesu míry investic v letech 1994 - 2012 z 36% na 22% podporou vývozu.Zaznamenaný pokles investiční míry lze vysvětlit přechodem od extenzivní do intezivní fáze růstu v důsledku přizpůsobení západoevropskému růstovému modelu. Hospodářský růstu se tak přestal opírat převážně o investice, což si vyžádalo stimulovat vývoz pomocí devalvace koruny. Je závažnou otázkou, co se stane po ukončení intervencí koruny, jelikož ke konci této dekády lze očekávat periodickou hospodářskou krizi. Bez masivní podpory agregátní poptávky, zejména investic, lze proto očekávat pokles HDP do červených čísel. Václav Novotný34
